1. Sarah Louise Palin (nee Heath) was born Feb., 1964, in Sandpoint, Idaho. Her family moved to Alaska when Sarah was an infant. Her father, Chuck, is a retired schoolteacher.
2. She attended Wasilla High School where she played point guard on the state champion basketball team. Her nickname was "Sarah Barracuda."
3. Palin graduated in 1987 from the University of Idaho with a degree in journalism. She worked briefly as a sports reporter in Anchorage.
4. She refers to her husband, Todd, as the "First Dude." He's worked as a commercial fisherman and as a production operator on the North Slope for BP. He enjoys snowmobiling and has won the Tesoro Iron Dog, billed as the world's longest snowmobile race, four times.
5. Palin and her husband have five children, Bristol, Piper, Track, Willow, and Trig. Trig, born in 2008, has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Her son Track joined the army in 2007.
6. Her favorite meal is moose stew.
7. She comes from a family of outdoor enthusiasts. Her parents, Chuck and Sally Heath, enjoy hunting and fishing, and have both completed marathons.
8. Palin was named Miss Wasilla in 1984 and was a runner-up for Miss Alaska. In 1996 she was elected mayor of Wasilla.
9. She's a lifetime NRA member and enjoys hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling.
10. Elected in 2006, she's Alaska's first female governor and the youngest governor elected in the state.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Alabama Runs Out of Ammunition!
All Wal-Mart stores across Alabama sold out of ammunition as of yesterday!!!
A reliable source said that one of the purchasers commented that while Russia may have invaded Georgia, they sure as hell ain't doin' it to Alabama"
Friday, August 29, 2008
With all the hype last night in NObamas speech and his claim that he will do better for military, one has to wonder DID HE FLIP FLOP AGAIN FROM HIS VOTING RECORD IN THE IL SENATE?
Check the records folks - this man voted 'against' troop funding every time. I dont fool easily. You cant give a speech to try to convince me that you would do an about face from what you vote on. The one and only thing he did vote for was the GI bill - that had nothing to do with the military fighting for their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. AND - let us remember that he believes we need to get out of Iraq and into Afghanistan but still voted against troop funding which HELLO - includes troops in Afghanistan. So which is it NObama?
From a Gold Star Mom - who is fighting mad at NObama - read on
Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Our Country Deserves Better PAC. They have some important information to share with you.
Thank you.
My son William is a United States Marine who has served in several missions in the War on Terror - including three tours of duty in Iraq. I never could have imagined that I would have spent these past several years serving as a pro-troop activist and media spokesperson, because quite frankly I didn't realize how low some people like Code Pink and MoveOn.org would stoop to undermine our troops, and advance their leftist political agenda. But thanks to the support of people like you, we won an unwavering commitment for our troops here on the homefront! There was no repeat of the Vietnam era, and every military family in America thanks you for standing by our military men and women!
But now a more important effort is upon us. With just two months left in the presidential race, it is imperative that we, the American people, stand up against Barack Obama and defeat his campaign to become our next President and Commander in Chief.
I've joined up with the "Our Country Deserves Better" committee (headed by Move America Forward co-founder, Howard Kaloogian) and we urgently need your help to raise the funds we will need to ensure Obama's defeat at the polls. Time is extremely short - we need your help right now! Would you please support our efforts with an online contribution - CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT US.
It's so incredibly upsetting to me when I think about all of the things Barack Obama has done to hurt our military, and weaken our nation. He's tried to cut funding from our troops while in the middle of their missions; he's snubbed American wounded warriors recovering from injuries they obtained in Iraq & Afghanistan; he's made it clear he'll engage in unialteral negotiations with terrorist regimes like Iran - the same people who were making extra-lethal IEDs and smuggling them into Iraq in an attempt to kill my son and his brothers and sisters in the U.S. military. And the list goes on and on...
We're going to bypass the liberal drive-by media and deliver the truth direct to the American people. We need your financial support to be sure that we can purchase a huge amount of airtime for these television commercials, especially in the key "swing states" where the polls show a close election. DONATE ONLINE - HERE.
You can see our first three television ads here, beginning with the message I am sending to Barack Obama:
Obama's Wrong Values"
You have no idea how much it would mean to this proud military mom if over the next 24 hours 10,000 or 20,000 Americans would step forward and make a contribution of $100, $250, $500 or more and chose to stand in solidarity with America and reject the anti-military, Blame America campaign of Barack Obama. Individuals are allowed to make contributions up to $5,000 per individual. Make your contribution - HERE.
If, however, you can afford only a $50, $25, or $10 contribution it will still make a major impact. When we combine your donation with those from thousands of other Americans all across the country we'll be able to go forward and purchase airtime to defeat Obama's campaign in key states where this election will ultimately be decided. Make your contribution - HERE.
If you prefer, you can also mail in your contribution via U.S. mail. You can find our address - BY CLICKING HERE.
All of the successful pro-troop activism we've engaged in, working with Newsmax's readers, was possible only because so many of us worked together: we had strength in numbers. Please continue to follow our campaign to defeat Barack Obama's presidential campaign at: http://news.newsmax.com/?KKCDaYGX5.jLJWrc2woGR5U1exrexJUAK&http://www.OurCountryDeservesBetter.com
Check the records folks - this man voted 'against' troop funding every time. I dont fool easily. You cant give a speech to try to convince me that you would do an about face from what you vote on. The one and only thing he did vote for was the GI bill - that had nothing to do with the military fighting for their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. AND - let us remember that he believes we need to get out of Iraq and into Afghanistan but still voted against troop funding which HELLO - includes troops in Afghanistan. So which is it NObama?
From a Gold Star Mom - who is fighting mad at NObama - read on
Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Our Country Deserves Better PAC. They have some important information to share with you.
Thank you.
My son William is a United States Marine who has served in several missions in the War on Terror - including three tours of duty in Iraq. I never could have imagined that I would have spent these past several years serving as a pro-troop activist and media spokesperson, because quite frankly I didn't realize how low some people like Code Pink and MoveOn.org would stoop to undermine our troops, and advance their leftist political agenda. But thanks to the support of people like you, we won an unwavering commitment for our troops here on the homefront! There was no repeat of the Vietnam era, and every military family in America thanks you for standing by our military men and women!
But now a more important effort is upon us. With just two months left in the presidential race, it is imperative that we, the American people, stand up against Barack Obama and defeat his campaign to become our next President and Commander in Chief.
I've joined up with the "Our Country Deserves Better" committee (headed by Move America Forward co-founder, Howard Kaloogian) and we urgently need your help to raise the funds we will need to ensure Obama's defeat at the polls. Time is extremely short - we need your help right now! Would you please support our efforts with an online contribution - CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT US.
It's so incredibly upsetting to me when I think about all of the things Barack Obama has done to hurt our military, and weaken our nation. He's tried to cut funding from our troops while in the middle of their missions; he's snubbed American wounded warriors recovering from injuries they obtained in Iraq & Afghanistan; he's made it clear he'll engage in unialteral negotiations with terrorist regimes like Iran - the same people who were making extra-lethal IEDs and smuggling them into Iraq in an attempt to kill my son and his brothers and sisters in the U.S. military. And the list goes on and on...
We're going to bypass the liberal drive-by media and deliver the truth direct to the American people. We need your financial support to be sure that we can purchase a huge amount of airtime for these television commercials, especially in the key "swing states" where the polls show a close election. DONATE ONLINE - HERE.
You can see our first three television ads here, beginning with the message I am sending to Barack Obama:
Obama's Wrong Values"
You have no idea how much it would mean to this proud military mom if over the next 24 hours 10,000 or 20,000 Americans would step forward and make a contribution of $100, $250, $500 or more and chose to stand in solidarity with America and reject the anti-military, Blame America campaign of Barack Obama. Individuals are allowed to make contributions up to $5,000 per individual. Make your contribution - HERE.
If, however, you can afford only a $50, $25, or $10 contribution it will still make a major impact. When we combine your donation with those from thousands of other Americans all across the country we'll be able to go forward and purchase airtime to defeat Obama's campaign in key states where this election will ultimately be decided. Make your contribution - HERE.
If you prefer, you can also mail in your contribution via U.S. mail. You can find our address - BY CLICKING HERE.
All of the successful pro-troop activism we've engaged in, working with Newsmax's readers, was possible only because so many of us worked together: we had strength in numbers. Please continue to follow our campaign to defeat Barack Obama's presidential campaign at: http://news.newsmax.com/?KKCDaYGX5.jLJWrc2woGR5U1exrexJUAK&http://www.OurCountryDeservesBetter.com
Our tiny website has expanded a bit. We have updated our links pages. They are not organized by category yet but I think you will still want to scan through them, save some on your favorites list, and explore those that may be helpful to you.
We have included everything from links that will keep you updated on the Marine Corps and Navy to news from Iraq and Afghanistan. You will find websites for organizations devoted to supporting our troops. You will find help for active duty Marines and their families and for veterans, from financial resources and legal assistance to PTSD information and counseling. You will find links to amazon.com where you can order the books that have been written about 1/8.
Please feel free to send additional links my way. We will add them until we run out of usable space.
And someday we will have a real website!
We have included everything from links that will keep you updated on the Marine Corps and Navy to news from Iraq and Afghanistan. You will find websites for organizations devoted to supporting our troops. You will find help for active duty Marines and their families and for veterans, from financial resources and legal assistance to PTSD information and counseling. You will find links to amazon.com where you can order the books that have been written about 1/8.
Please feel free to send additional links my way. We will add them until we run out of usable space.
And someday we will have a real website!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Obama By Bill Brown of the Billy Graham Team
Bill Brown, is a highly respected retired member of the Billy Graham team so, I take his assessment of Obama very seriously and for that reason accept his challenge to pass this on. I share his concern about the 'rock star' image Obama has and watch with growing concern at the celebrity status the media has foisted upon him. Here is hope this email informs you in a wise way.
The Obama Tidal Wave
We are witnessing a political phenomenon with Barack Obama of rare magnitude.
His speeches have inspired millions and yet most of his followers have no idea of what he stands for except platitudes of 'Change' or that he says he will be a 'Uniter'.
The power of speech from a charismatic person truly can be a powerful thing. Certainly Billy Graham had charisma. Both his manner of speech and particularly the content changed millions.
On the extreme other hand, the char isma of Adolph Hitler, too, inspired millions and the results were catastrophic.
Barack Obama certainly is no Hitler or a Billy Graham, but for many Americans riding on the Obama Tidal Wave it is just like a surfer who might be ecstatic and euphoric while riding a tidal wave, but the reality of the ride is what happens when it hits shore.
If your political choices are consistent with Barack Obama's and you think that his positions will bring America together or make it a better place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and not forward this Email. If you are like most Americans that after examining what he stands for, are truly not in line with his record, it would be prud ent to get off the wave or better yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and undermines the very foundations of this great Country. We have limited time to save America or the Supreme Court as we know it.
Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
· He voted for partial birth abortion.
· He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
· Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government (quotas)..
· In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing as being too severe.
· Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
· Admitted his use of marijuana and cocaine in high school and in college.
· His religious convictions are very murky.· He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
· Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. Why?· Opposed the Patriot Act.
· First bill he signed that was ever passed was campaign finance reform.
· Voted to allow law suits against gun manufactu rers.
· Supports universal health-care.
· Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
· Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
· Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
· Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
· Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'.
· Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. (241 votes Demo, 10 votes Republican)· Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.
· Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax which now hits middle income brackets. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. Tax Increase.
· He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. Tax Increase.
· Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded...which is not true.
· He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing.
Inaction is action.
If you agree this is important, pass it on.
The mainstream media will not do it for you!
Bill Brown Billy Graham Team, Retired
The Obama Tidal Wave
We are witnessing a political phenomenon with Barack Obama of rare magnitude.
His speeches have inspired millions and yet most of his followers have no idea of what he stands for except platitudes of 'Change' or that he says he will be a 'Uniter'.
The power of speech from a charismatic person truly can be a powerful thing. Certainly Billy Graham had charisma. Both his manner of speech and particularly the content changed millions.
On the extreme other hand, the char isma of Adolph Hitler, too, inspired millions and the results were catastrophic.
Barack Obama certainly is no Hitler or a Billy Graham, but for many Americans riding on the Obama Tidal Wave it is just like a surfer who might be ecstatic and euphoric while riding a tidal wave, but the reality of the ride is what happens when it hits shore.
If your political choices are consistent with Barack Obama's and you think that his positions will bring America together or make it a better place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and not forward this Email. If you are like most Americans that after examining what he stands for, are truly not in line with his record, it would be prud ent to get off the wave or better yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and undermines the very foundations of this great Country. We have limited time to save America or the Supreme Court as we know it.
Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
· He voted for partial birth abortion.
· He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
· Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government (quotas)..
· In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing as being too severe.
· Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
· Admitted his use of marijuana and cocaine in high school and in college.
· His religious convictions are very murky.· He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
· Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. Why?· Opposed the Patriot Act.
· First bill he signed that was ever passed was campaign finance reform.
· Voted to allow law suits against gun manufactu rers.
· Supports universal health-care.
· Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
· Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
· Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
· Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
· Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'.
· Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. (241 votes Demo, 10 votes Republican)· Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.
· Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax which now hits middle income brackets. Tax Increase.
· He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. Tax Increase.
· He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. Tax Increase.
· Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded...which is not true.
· He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing.
Inaction is action.
If you agree this is important, pass it on.
The mainstream media will not do it for you!
Bill Brown Billy Graham Team, Retired
Vets take Obama to task
Couldn't come at a better time. Wonder how this goes over with NObama's #2 who supported the Surge? ( a little difference of opinion there)
According to NObama in an interview with Katie Kurik, when she kept pressing him (which was very unusual in itself) about how successful the "Surge" was as he opposed it, he answered that he "didn't know" how well it has been compared to "if we had done my plan"
What a piece of work and what a blow to our Veteran's.
So Vet's taking NObama to task on this one piece is hardly the punishment he should get for belittling our troops and their sacrifice. How's that for some of our military families "kitchen table" talk NObama?
Vets take Obama to task - Yahoo! News
In NO Obama's ever glowing all-knowing wisdom (NOT) he still rejects that it is the strength, endurance, fortitude and honor of The United State of America's military men and women who were "The Surge" that has brought us to the state that we are now at in Iraq. A state where we can begin to draw down. Instead the self proclaimed one spreads the word that it was his suggestion and therefore it is so that we will drawdown. How full of yourself do you have to be to get that message out?
The "one" the NO Obama still asserts that "his" plan would have done better and that Iraqi people are the ones to thank for the violence going down in Iraq.
Well - The Vets For Freedom are not going to take it sitting down any longer. Because our Armed Forces deserve better than NObama kicking their work to the curb - I challenge you to do as their ad requests of you and call NObama and tell him so.
When NO Obama is touting that he will do more for our Vets - how about starting with acknowledging that although NObama disagreed with The Surge and although NO Obama as an IL Senator voted every time against troop funding even when that meant upping the armor on Humvee's - that he "the NObama one" can start acting like a statesman and accept when he is wrong by announcing that our men and women in uniform are the finest in the world and The Surge did work and it was our men and women who DID THE JOB!
Here's the link to the first of what will be many to NObama
Couldn't come at a better time. Wonder how this goes over with NObama's #2 who supported the Surge? ( a little difference of opinion there)
According to NObama in an interview with Katie Kurik, when she kept pressing him (which was very unusual in itself) about how successful the "Surge" was as he opposed it, he answered that he "didn't know" how well it has been compared to "if we had done my plan"
What a piece of work and what a blow to our Veteran's.
So Vet's taking NObama to task on this one piece is hardly the punishment he should get for belittling our troops and their sacrifice. How's that for some of our military families "kitchen table" talk NObama?
Vets take Obama to task - Yahoo! News
In NO Obama's ever glowing all-knowing wisdom (NOT) he still rejects that it is the strength, endurance, fortitude and honor of The United State of America's military men and women who were "The Surge" that has brought us to the state that we are now at in Iraq. A state where we can begin to draw down. Instead the self proclaimed one spreads the word that it was his suggestion and therefore it is so that we will drawdown. How full of yourself do you have to be to get that message out?
The "one" the NO Obama still asserts that "his" plan would have done better and that Iraqi people are the ones to thank for the violence going down in Iraq.
Well - The Vets For Freedom are not going to take it sitting down any longer. Because our Armed Forces deserve better than NObama kicking their work to the curb - I challenge you to do as their ad requests of you and call NObama and tell him so.
When NO Obama is touting that he will do more for our Vets - how about starting with acknowledging that although NObama disagreed with The Surge and although NO Obama as an IL Senator voted every time against troop funding even when that meant upping the armor on Humvee's - that he "the NObama one" can start acting like a statesman and accept when he is wrong by announcing that our men and women in uniform are the finest in the world and The Surge did work and it was our men and women who DID THE JOB!
Here's the link to the first of what will be many to NObama
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Try these numbers and light her world up! Since when do we as Americans have to rely on other governments to provide us the oil we need to remain strong and to carry on our life style when we have the ability to produce it here at home for ourselves?
Almost all of those countries only produce oil for export. If we drill here and the jobs stay here, they can't eat! We thought that we could control their market, now they are controlling ours! Pass the word please and let's get America back on tract in the next 10-20 years. Never expect instant gratification, always prepare for the worst!
Nancy Pelosi's contact numbers.
(202) 225-4965
(415) 556-4862
Almost all of those countries only produce oil for export. If we drill here and the jobs stay here, they can't eat! We thought that we could control their market, now they are controlling ours! Pass the word please and let's get America back on tract in the next 10-20 years. Never expect instant gratification, always prepare for the worst!
Nancy Pelosi's contact numbers.
(202) 225-4965
(415) 556-4862
Saturday, August 16, 2008

My best friends husband is missing. His active duty, Marine Corps.He is very emotionally unstable right now, faced with many things in his life that caused him to make suicide threats. He has 2 very scared little children at home and a distraught wife. He is currently UA. We are trying to get the word out as much as possible. We are scared for his safety.His Missing Person's Myspace is:http://www.myspace.com/pleasecomehometim
Thursday, August 14, 2008
American Airlines Relents
American Airlines relents on charging troops for bags
now if we could just get the Union that hijacked Tyson Foods to relent and repent ;D
Read about the turnabout of American Airlines here
now if we could just get the Union that hijacked Tyson Foods to relent and repent ;D
Read about the turnabout of American Airlines here
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Semper Fund events
4th Annual Injured Marine Golf Benefit
October 06, 2008
Costa Mesa Golf Course, Costa Mesa, CA
The 4th Annual Injured Marine Golf Benefit is scheduled for Monday, Oct 6th, 2008. It will be held at 11:00 at the Costa Mesa Golf Course. The Benefit is limited to 36 teams of four, and will be a scramble format. The awards ceremony, with dinner and dancing, will be at the American Legion Post 291 in Newport Beach. The three previous golf benefits have helped to raise over $100,000 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. For more information about this event, please contact Fred Arnold at 949.689.3570 or Karen Voigt at 949.689.3588.
Ride for Semper Fi
October 22-26, 2008
Pheonix, AZ to Oceanside, CA
The "Ride for Semper Fi", chaired by John Greenway, is a charity bicycle ride that will take place October 22nd thru 26th. As a team, they will ride from Phoenix, Arizona to Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California. Upon reaching their destination, riders will present the donations received for this event to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. The objective of this ride is to raise funds and awareness for the IMSFF. Please visit their website at www.therideforsemperfi.com to learn more about this ride, to meet the team, make donations in support of a team member, or to contact the team. Semper Fi!
October 06, 2008
Costa Mesa Golf Course, Costa Mesa, CA
The 4th Annual Injured Marine Golf Benefit is scheduled for Monday, Oct 6th, 2008. It will be held at 11:00 at the Costa Mesa Golf Course. The Benefit is limited to 36 teams of four, and will be a scramble format. The awards ceremony, with dinner and dancing, will be at the American Legion Post 291 in Newport Beach. The three previous golf benefits have helped to raise over $100,000 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. For more information about this event, please contact Fred Arnold at 949.689.3570 or Karen Voigt at 949.689.3588.
Ride for Semper Fi
October 22-26, 2008
Pheonix, AZ to Oceanside, CA
The "Ride for Semper Fi", chaired by John Greenway, is a charity bicycle ride that will take place October 22nd thru 26th. As a team, they will ride from Phoenix, Arizona to Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California. Upon reaching their destination, riders will present the donations received for this event to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. The objective of this ride is to raise funds and awareness for the IMSFF. Please visit their website at www.therideforsemperfi.com to learn more about this ride, to meet the team, make donations in support of a team member, or to contact the team. Semper Fi!
The new American Airlines rules - posted on the Washington Times and other blog spots ~
This is despicable -we all know that the "Military Discount" is the biggest joke on the planet. I cannot give one example from any military families I personally know being able to benefit from the "discount" and never has my own son been able to do so either - IN FACT - I have been told that usually if you go by way of military discount they tend to "Bump" you more often when they overbook - Just another example of "America is not at war, America's Armed Forces are at war". When will the industrial giants actually put their money where their mouth is and show it?
This is despicable -we all know that the "Military Discount" is the biggest joke on the planet. I cannot give one example from any military families I personally know being able to benefit from the "discount" and never has my own son been able to do so either - IN FACT - I have been told that usually if you go by way of military discount they tend to "Bump" you more often when they overbook - Just another example of "America is not at war, America's Armed Forces are at war". When will the industrial giants actually put their money where their mouth is and show it?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center

Please visit this link http://membersproject.com/project/view/JMPXIG and cast your vote! And please share with everyone you know!My project idea is Communities Serving Veterans Reintegration Program. There are 95 worldwide project ideas and we are ranked 5th! With your help we will rank NUMBER 1!I really need your help and this is the best way you and your community can serve veterans. All the best,
AlAlbert R. Renteria
Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center
Where Communities Serve Veterans™
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
You volunteered to send mail to the 1/2
THANK YOU SO MUCH for volunteering to send care packages, toys, school supplies, letters, to the 1/2. Our contact person is Chaplain Michael Tomlinson.
I have an FPO address for Chaplain Tomlinson but -- he wants to verify that address one more time. As soon as he confirms the address for me I will forward it to you.
Chaplain Tomlinson will be traveling to the battalion's forward operating positions in the very near future. When he returns to his base he will let me know what the Marines in the outlying areas need/wish for. I sent a list of possible care package items to Chaplain Tomlinson and he will review it with the outlying Marines. More as I know it.
Chaplain Tomlinson tells me that at the main base "we have plenty of food, our laundry is done for us and there is plenty of ice cream and cake."
Chaplain Tomlinson stressed that what the Marines at the main base, at any base, really appreciate is individual serving size packages of snacks. He tells me that when they receive a large container, say a large container of peanuts, they use spoons to scoop out peanuts. They will not put their hand into a container to grab some peanuts if someone else has already had their hand in that container.
So -- Chaplain Tomlinson's FPO address willl be coming your way. He will distribute package contents to 1/2 Marines and Sailors at the main base and send them on out to the forward operating positions. A list of what the Marines and Sailors would appreciate receiving will come your way just as soon as I have it.
This is not "your father's" Iraq. Conditions are much improved. I reassured Chaplain Tomlinson that the 1/2 will be held in prayer -- the dangers have diminished but are not gone.
In contrast, our Marines in Afghanistan are in need of everything we can send their way, and of course are in need of prayers. Afghanistan is a very dangerous place to be right now.
THANK YOU!!! Karen
PS -- Jeff, I will let you know when you can start mailing to our nephew Sam.
PPS --- About to click on "Send" and I received this message from Chaplain Tomlinson -- hot off the press!
Please let everyone know how much we appreciate their support. I’ve been telling everybody how much y’all want to do and just telling them that brings a smile to their face and makes them happy.
I was talking to our Medical Officer and he wondered if you knew of a group that collected unwanted prescription glasses? It seems the Iraqis really need glasses and this is a way to make friends.
I start traveling this week and will be able to let you know what is needed from your list. I think your kindness means more than things.
God bless
Chaps T
I have an FPO address for Chaplain Tomlinson but -- he wants to verify that address one more time. As soon as he confirms the address for me I will forward it to you.
Chaplain Tomlinson will be traveling to the battalion's forward operating positions in the very near future. When he returns to his base he will let me know what the Marines in the outlying areas need/wish for. I sent a list of possible care package items to Chaplain Tomlinson and he will review it with the outlying Marines. More as I know it.
Chaplain Tomlinson tells me that at the main base "we have plenty of food, our laundry is done for us and there is plenty of ice cream and cake."
Chaplain Tomlinson stressed that what the Marines at the main base, at any base, really appreciate is individual serving size packages of snacks. He tells me that when they receive a large container, say a large container of peanuts, they use spoons to scoop out peanuts. They will not put their hand into a container to grab some peanuts if someone else has already had their hand in that container.
So -- Chaplain Tomlinson's FPO address willl be coming your way. He will distribute package contents to 1/2 Marines and Sailors at the main base and send them on out to the forward operating positions. A list of what the Marines and Sailors would appreciate receiving will come your way just as soon as I have it.
This is not "your father's" Iraq. Conditions are much improved. I reassured Chaplain Tomlinson that the 1/2 will be held in prayer -- the dangers have diminished but are not gone.
In contrast, our Marines in Afghanistan are in need of everything we can send their way, and of course are in need of prayers. Afghanistan is a very dangerous place to be right now.
THANK YOU!!! Karen
PS -- Jeff, I will let you know when you can start mailing to our nephew Sam.
PPS --- About to click on "Send" and I received this message from Chaplain Tomlinson -- hot off the press!
Please let everyone know how much we appreciate their support. I’ve been telling everybody how much y’all want to do and just telling them that brings a smile to their face and makes them happy.
I was talking to our Medical Officer and he wondered if you knew of a group that collected unwanted prescription glasses? It seems the Iraqis really need glasses and this is a way to make friends.
I start traveling this week and will be able to let you know what is needed from your list. I think your kindness means more than things.
God bless
Chaps T
Saturday, August 9, 2008
OC Register-" Coveting the Evangelical vote"
Good Sunday to all,
In light of the importance of this years Presidential Election, the upcoming August 16th Saddleback Church "Compassion and Leadership civil forum" with Senators John McCain and Barack Obama ; will be held in Orange County CA and broadcast on National Television.
I have written an Op-ed about the Presidential candidates and their views concerning evangelical Christians. It runs in Sundays OC Register. I believe that everyone -Including Evangelicals, has an Important vote and role to play in their community. Angelica and I send our Blessings and thank you once again for supporting all our Veterans!
Shawn Black
Project Prayer Flag
In light of the importance of this years Presidential Election, the upcoming August 16th Saddleback Church "Compassion and Leadership civil forum" with Senators John McCain and Barack Obama ; will be held in Orange County CA and broadcast on National Television.
I have written an Op-ed about the Presidential candidates and their views concerning evangelical Christians. It runs in Sundays OC Register. I believe that everyone -Including Evangelicals, has an Important vote and role to play in their community. Angelica and I send our Blessings and thank you once again for supporting all our Veterans!
Shawn Black
Project Prayer Flag
Hello everyone ---
I am in communication with 1/2 Chaplain Michael Tomlinson. 1st Battalion 2nd Marine Regiment deployed to Iraq 2 weeks ago. Included among the Marines serving with 1/2 is our nephew Sam.
At this time we are looking for people willing to send care packages to Chaplain Tomlinson for distribution to 1/2 Marines and Sailors. I have a message in to Chaplain Tomlinson confirming his FPO address. If you wish to send care packages his way, school supplies and/or toys for the Iraqi children please let me know. I will then send his FPO address to you. You can volunteer to send packages throughout the deployment, to gather and send new school supplies and/or toys, or to send a one time package. I would encourage anyone sending care packages to include letter(s) to individual Marines and Sailors. You might want to enclose a pre-addressed envelope in which a Marine or Sailor can place a return letter to you. No stamps are required on the envelope coming back to you. Do enclose paper and pens in your care package as well.
We will help you with a list of items you may want to send, instructions re packing the boxes and completing customs forms.
I have been unable to participate in the last few 1/2 chats on marineparents.com. If any of you have participated in the chats and have ideas for care packages please share them with me. If you wish to share an FPO address for a 1/2 Marine or Sailor feel free to do that as well.
Chaplain Tomlinson's wife had this input for us: Apparently, at the moment, they are craving salty snacks -- popcorn, planters peanuts and cashews, pretzels (if bagged must be packed to protect them). He also reminded me to bag items separately -- they got some bubblegum-flavored tootsie rolls, so he reminded me that strongly flavored items such as bubblegum, mints, etc., should definitely be separated from other items.
And I received this from Chaplain Tomlinson: if you know of someone wanting to donate school supplies or toys we could use them to build bridges of friendship with the Iraqis. The war is moving into a new phase as our success produces greater stability and its paramount we succeed in a war where the kinetic response is not always the best response.
As for Marine care packages individual portion things are a real plus. For hygiene reasons we’re reluctant to dip our hands in say a big can of nuts after one another.
We have had a wonderful response to our request to send packages to 2/7 (Sgt. Nathan Guite) in Afghanistan. I hope we will have an equally wonderful response to our request on behalf of the 1/2. Again, let me know if you wish to send packages and I will give you Chaplain Tomlinson's address, care package ideas and mailing instructions. Thank to those of you who are sending packages to LCpl. Daniel Hodges and Sgt. Mike Sicard. We may have other individual Marine's addresses for you in the near future so stay tuned.
PS -- 1/2 will be in Iraq for Christmas. 2/7 should be, better be, home in time for Christmas.
I am in communication with 1/2 Chaplain Michael Tomlinson. 1st Battalion 2nd Marine Regiment deployed to Iraq 2 weeks ago. Included among the Marines serving with 1/2 is our nephew Sam.
At this time we are looking for people willing to send care packages to Chaplain Tomlinson for distribution to 1/2 Marines and Sailors. I have a message in to Chaplain Tomlinson confirming his FPO address. If you wish to send care packages his way, school supplies and/or toys for the Iraqi children please let me know. I will then send his FPO address to you. You can volunteer to send packages throughout the deployment, to gather and send new school supplies and/or toys, or to send a one time package. I would encourage anyone sending care packages to include letter(s) to individual Marines and Sailors. You might want to enclose a pre-addressed envelope in which a Marine or Sailor can place a return letter to you. No stamps are required on the envelope coming back to you. Do enclose paper and pens in your care package as well.
We will help you with a list of items you may want to send, instructions re packing the boxes and completing customs forms.
I have been unable to participate in the last few 1/2 chats on marineparents.com. If any of you have participated in the chats and have ideas for care packages please share them with me. If you wish to share an FPO address for a 1/2 Marine or Sailor feel free to do that as well.
Chaplain Tomlinson's wife had this input for us: Apparently, at the moment, they are craving salty snacks -- popcorn, planters peanuts and cashews, pretzels (if bagged must be packed to protect them). He also reminded me to bag items separately -- they got some bubblegum-flavored tootsie rolls, so he reminded me that strongly flavored items such as bubblegum, mints, etc., should definitely be separated from other items.
And I received this from Chaplain Tomlinson: if you know of someone wanting to donate school supplies or toys we could use them to build bridges of friendship with the Iraqis. The war is moving into a new phase as our success produces greater stability and its paramount we succeed in a war where the kinetic response is not always the best response.
As for Marine care packages individual portion things are a real plus. For hygiene reasons we’re reluctant to dip our hands in say a big can of nuts after one another.
We have had a wonderful response to our request to send packages to 2/7 (Sgt. Nathan Guite) in Afghanistan. I hope we will have an equally wonderful response to our request on behalf of the 1/2. Again, let me know if you wish to send packages and I will give you Chaplain Tomlinson's address, care package ideas and mailing instructions. Thank to those of you who are sending packages to LCpl. Daniel Hodges and Sgt. Mike Sicard. We may have other individual Marine's addresses for you in the near future so stay tuned.
PS -- 1/2 will be in Iraq for Christmas. 2/7 should be, better be, home in time for Christmas.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I have a big favor to ask, if you know or have an email address of anyone serving in Iraq I'd really appreciate your getting it to me.
I am trying to get a program off the ground to where we can communicate and support them.
Also, please check out my new Forum
Semper Fi
Robert (Gunny) Hiles
Please visit "The Gunny Shack"
I am trying to get a program off the ground to where we can communicate and support them.
Also, please check out my new Forum
Semper Fi
Robert (Gunny) Hiles
Please visit "The Gunny Shack"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Navy Seals shoot out in IRAQ
A team of U.S. Navy SEALs fires on insurgents from a rooftop Friday, April 21, 2006 in Ramadi 115 km (70 miles) west of Baghdad, Iraq. U.S. soldiers patrolling in Ramadi say that enemy contact is so regular, they can make accurate estimates of how long it will take to be shot at after the start of their patrols. Estimates range from 45 minutes for one company to just 8 minutes for another
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Iraqi Freedom Veteran treated like second class citizen at local VFW
To whom it may concern,
My name is Joseph G. VanDyck and I am a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army Reserve and a member of VFW Post 2031 in Statesville North Carolina. I have served 2 back to back tours in Iraq, to include a 3 month extension last fall. I am currently here in Pennsylvania working my civilian job. One of my coworkers who is a Vietnam Veteran and a member of the Fred Barley VFW Post 5667 told me about the great PrimeRib dinners, the cold beer, and the friendly members and staff at the VFW post. I went there last night to have dinner. Everything went great until they found out I wasn't a member of their post. I was then rudely moved to the back banquet room out of view of everyone. I was also told that I could not order anything else sinceI wasn't a member. I produced my current VFW membership card and my military id card. They really didn't care about this.
This is the first time I have ever felt like a second class citizen for having been away from my family and done 2 back to back tours of Iraq. This is to include being medevacced from theater during my first tour for injuries received. If this is how the local VFW Post treats out of town combat veterans, I never want to return to this area again. I travel quite frequently for my career and have been to many VFW Posts with out being made to feel like this. I am writing a formal complaint letter to Post 5667's Commander, my Post's Commander, and the National Commander of the VFW in Kansas City.
I just wanted to let the people of Elizabethtown and Hershey know how a veteran from out of state is treated at a local VFW Post. Thank you for letting me express my point of view.
I’ve known Joe VanDyck since November 2006 when he along with his (NPTT) National Police Transition Team arrived from the states to conduct a (RIP-TOA) relief in place-transfer of authority with an Army (SPTT-NPTT) Special Police Transition Team-National Police Transition Team (Commandos) that I was attached to as a civilian police adviser.
I had three Army teams and one Marine SPTT, pronounced (Spit’s) teams. I spent twenty years in the Marine Corps, (16) in Reconnaissance before retiring and becoming a High Point Police Officer. I am currently a police officer with Guilford Technical Community College . We trained, advised and ran missions with the Iraqi’s on a daily basis. This was very dangerous work and long before the “Surge”.
I spent 18 months straight in Iraq and left in January 2007. I have included four pictures of myself and Joe who is in each of these. I’m the guy in (Mar-Pat) Marine-Pattern digital camouflage. Joe is to my left in three of the four photos. Also there is one photo that he sent me while he was in Iraq after I went home. Yes, that is General Petraeus reenlisting Joe in Baghdad . I looked quickly for these photos and I’m sure there are many more that I haven’t located as of this e-mail. In-fact, I don’t think Joe has ever seen these pictures that were taken of us.
I have been in contact with Joe often over the last 20 months and am saddened to hear from him about this incident that recently happened to him and another VFW member. I have been a VFW member since I returned from Vietnam many, many years ago and I have never received this kind of treatment from any VFW post I ever visited or attended. I have absolutely no reason not to believe what Joe wrote in this e-mail.
We are veterans and have served this great country in war. We above all others know what service means! This must never happen to one of our own. Please take the time to read Joe’s e-mail and then pass it on to other VFW members and for that matter any other veteran across this country. If we don’t look out for each other, then who will?
Johnny M. Russo
VFW Post 9899
High Point , NC
I had three Army teams and one Marine SPTT, pronounced (Spit’s) teams. I spent twenty years in the Marine Corps, (16) in Reconnaissance before retiring and becoming a High Point Police Officer. I am currently a police officer with Guilford Technical Community College . We trained, advised and ran missions with the Iraqi’s on a daily basis. This was very dangerous work and long before the “Surge”.
I spent 18 months straight in Iraq and left in January 2007. I have included four pictures of myself and Joe who is in each of these. I’m the guy in (Mar-Pat) Marine-Pattern digital camouflage. Joe is to my left in three of the four photos. Also there is one photo that he sent me while he was in Iraq after I went home. Yes, that is General Petraeus reenlisting Joe in Baghdad . I looked quickly for these photos and I’m sure there are many more that I haven’t located as of this e-mail. In-fact, I don’t think Joe has ever seen these pictures that were taken of us.
I have been in contact with Joe often over the last 20 months and am saddened to hear from him about this incident that recently happened to him and another VFW member. I have been a VFW member since I returned from Vietnam many, many years ago and I have never received this kind of treatment from any VFW post I ever visited or attended. I have absolutely no reason not to believe what Joe wrote in this e-mail.
We are veterans and have served this great country in war. We above all others know what service means! This must never happen to one of our own. Please take the time to read Joe’s e-mail and then pass it on to other VFW members and for that matter any other veteran across this country. If we don’t look out for each other, then who will?
Johnny M. Russo
VFW Post 9899
High Point , NC
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