Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For those looking for music online, follow the link shown below. If you don’t see what you like, let me know and I’ll get it for you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sending out an SOS

Hi Friends,

I am training for the 2009 Los Angeles Marathon, which will take place on May 25, 2009. I would really appreciate any help you can give...
Please click on the following link to view my webpage:

P.S. Please forward this page to your friends and family; just click "e-mail this page to a friend" near the top left-hand side of this page and this link will be sent to them.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

VFW Post 3787 Party

Reagan RoundUp is having a thank you party on Jan 10th at 6pm at VFW Post 3787 cost to each military person or non military person will be $10.00 this will include a plate of dinner and 2 beers or sodas there will be special priced pitchers of beer and special drink prices for all as well as dancing till 2am

Please pass this information however i am asking for anyone planning to go to please contact me at

Dawn G

Monday, December 15, 2008

Military Expo

Start Date 28-JAN-09 End Date 29-JAN-09 ~ Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base

February 4-5, 2009

Friday, December 12, 2008

NEWS: Christmas Comes to U.S. Troops in Iraq & Afghanistan

Nationwide Tour to Collect Care Packages
for Troops Serving Overseas this Holiday Season

Sacramento, CA – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop grassroots organization, is conducting a nationwide tour to support sending care packages to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan .

“With Americans focused on the economic problems facing our country, we have to ensure that our troops in harm’s way are not forgotten during the Christmas and Hanukkah holiday season,” said Melanie Morgan, Chairman of Move America Forward.

Traveling on the tour will be Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee, - whose son Marc Alan Lee was the first Navy S.E.A.L. killed in Iraq . Lee said, “I remember his feelings of pride for serving our country, but also the loneliness troops endure during the holiday season. Instead of celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah with their families, many military men and women will be spending the holidays this year protecting our freedom in far off lands.”

To show the nation’s gratitude and support, Move America Forward’s Debbie Lee and singer/songwriter Diana Nagy (who will perform her hit song “Where Freedom Flies” at each stop) will be on the road encouraging people to send care packages from December 13 – December 19.

Last year, MAF toured the country during the holiday season to collect holiday cards for the troops with the goal of sending 100,000 holiday cards. They collected more than double that amount and hope Americans will show the same support this year by purchasing care packages in which sponsors can write individual notes to show their support. Packages include gourmet Artisan Coffee and Cornerstone Coffee, Oreo Cookies and Jelly Belly jelly beans made famous by President Ronald Reagan.

For those who are not on the tour route, care packages can be purchased online and individual notes can still be included. Orders can be placed by going to the website: and clicking on the “Coffee and Cookies for our Troops” icon.


Sacramento, CA on 12/13
Las Vegas, NV on 12/14
Phoenix, AZ on 12/14
El Paso, TX on 12/15
San Antonio, TX on 12/16
Austin, TX on 12/16
Houston, T X on 12/17
Baton Rouge, LA on 12/18
Mobile, AL on 12/18
Tallahassee, FL on 12/19
Jacksonville, FL on 12/19

“During this emotional and busy time of year, we can’t forget about our troops who are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan . Even though the economic news has focused Americans on the home front, we cannot forget that hundreds of thousands of the finest Americans are in combat zones while we’re around the tree with friends and loved ones,” concludes MAF Chairman, Melanie Morgan.

December 11, 2008
Contact: Kristen Schremp or 703.928.5527

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sears "Heroes at Home Wish Registry"

If you've watched Extreme Home Makeover you have seen the group tell about how with the support of donations Sears is helping to make wishes come true for military families.

Below is the link. I have to tell you, the stories, wishes and thanks from these military families will have you heading for the Kleenex box - Just another way to support troops at a very hard time of deployment away from their families during the holidays.

Monday, December 8, 2008



I wanted to thank you again for helping us out with our TFT campaign this year. Like we were talking about earlier this week, the economy has really given us a beating. So many more families are asking for help in the form of toys for their children as most have a parent, or two, who have lost their jobs. On the flipside, we also have a lot less organizations and individuals who are able to donate toys or money. As of right now, we have 9 days to raise enough money through donations to purchase 31,000 toys; if we don't, there will be a lot of children who will be passed over by Christmas this year. That's why I wanted to shoot you this short email thanking you, again, for your help. Pat already contacted me and we are looking at collecting the donations tomorrow evening at a dinner. If you happen to know anyone or any business at all who is interested in helping Toys For Tots, please pass the word that we're looking for a few good men and women to help us make our mission this year of putting a shiny new toy in the hands of a needy child. Unfortunately, we can not accept foodstuffs or clothing but only new and unwrapped toys or monetary contributions in the form of cash or check/money order made out to "Toys For Tots" and mailed to the following address:

Toys For Tots Coordinator
3551 San Gabriel River Pkwy
Pico Rivera, CA 90660

A receipt can be provided for any and every donation which is tax-deductible. Give me a call if there's anything we can do to help you out. Thanks again and...

Semper Fi,

Francisco Ulloa Gunnery Sergeant

I&I Staff, Btry N, 5/14
3551 S. San Gabriel River Pkwy
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562)695-1981 ext 15

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Dinner for Our Troops

An important Christmas message from one of our favorite people ...
Christmas Dinner for Our Troops (Again)

Last year I posted an opportunity to make sure our troops in Hawaii, with many of them deployed, and their families had a wonderful Christmas dinner. That opportunity is available again this Christmas season. That seems fitting to post about today, the day that will live in infamy.

When I realize this need still exists it breaks my heart that our magnificent military families are still in financial need, especially around the holidays. Karen and I felt blessed to provide dinner for a family and many of you were so generous in your donations. Thank you!

I know times are hard this year and if you cannot give to support a family by yourself, what a wonderful opportunity to get your church, workplace, or social group to pool their resources together to provide dinner for our troops many who, as I said, are deployed. Sue Ollar, the wonderful lady who contacted me about this last year, her husband Don is back in Iraq for another year.

The original post and all the details can be found here:

National Director of Operations
Board Member - Eagles UP!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Walker Reed Army Soldier


Everyone:I hope this email finds all of you well and in good spirits this holiday season and trust that you've all had a good year. As we look back on 2008, I am sure that we are all very thankful for the blessings we have received during this past year. All of us enjoy the freedoms that we have, and those freedoms are the results of efforts of many who have sacrificed so much so that we may live free in a country like ours. At this time of the year, I would like to ask a small favor of all of you. When doing your Christmas cards this year, please take one card and send it to the following address:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001

The Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen at Walter Reed Hospital are those that have sustained the most serious injuries while protecting all of us here in the States and defending America. I think that the least we can do, is to let these brave servicemen and women know that they are not forgotten and the we appreciate all that they have done to protect all of us.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for a joyous and prosperous New Year!

Godspeed always,

PS- Feel free to pass this message on to anyone you know that would like to reach out and bring some joy into the life of someone who has made a sacrifice for the benefit of all of us.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Camp Pendleton Christmas Outreach

Camp Pendleton Christmas Outreach

Armor of Light Christmas Outreach at South Mesa Chapel, Camp PendletonThis is the fifth year that we have an opportunity to bless the Marines, Sailors and their families at Camp Pendleton. On Saturday, December 6 we will serve a Christmas dinner, provide games and crafts for the kids, and give away toys/gifts, non-perishable foods and baby supplies.

Thanks to all of you for volunteering to help serve the Marines, Sailors and their families on Saturday, December 6! Please be in prayer for this event, that the LORD will bless all who come.

The following is important information for the event at South Mesa Chapel on Camp Pendleton:

Directions – 5 Freeway south, exit Camp Pendleton Harbor Drive, turn towards the base (away from ocean); at the main gate you may need to show:
Current vehicle registration
Proof of car insurance
Valid Drivers’ License (for the driver)
You may be asked to go to the guard shack and get a day pass.

Go through the gate; turn right at the light, which is Wire Mountain; at the top of the hill turn left at the stop sign (San Jacinto); go about ½ mile and you will see South Mesa Chapel on your right (it is also called Blinder Memorial Chapel). Please be sure to obey all traffic and speed laws.

Parking – The South Mesa Chapel parking lot will be used for the carnival this year, so volunteers need to park in the large parking area just past the South Mesa Chapel parking lot.

Volunteer Check-In - All volunteers need to check in at the Volunteer Table and get a name tag. The table will be near the entry to the event, right next to the parking lot. You will see us under the burgundy canopy.

Those who are working in the Carnival area should check in between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM. For those who have a scheduled start time, please plan to check in 10 to 15 minutes before that time. If you do not have a scheduled time, or do not know where you will be serving, please come to the Volunteer Table as soon as you arrive.

Volunteer Prayer - The first volunteer prayer time will be at 8:15 AM in the carnival area; the second prayer time will be at 10:15 AM in the social hall.

Other Notes - Consider bringing sun screen and/or a hat, and a sack lunch or snack. Also, there will not be a secure area to keep your belongings, so please plan to keep these things in your car.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Political Irish Rockers Black 47 Campaign for Iraq

Stars and Stripes
Johnnie was just a kid. I mean we were all kids but he seemed younger, less sure of himself. Anbar changed that. Grow up or die. It only took one mistake but Johnnie didn't make any. That's what I liked about him. Guy had eyes in the back of his head. I guess his luck ran out. It was the longest hour of my life. Waiting for that chopper. Begging him to hold on. I still remember the last thing I said to him, “when we get back to Bragg, I'm gonna drink your ass under the table.” Yeah…

Downtown Baghdad Blues
One weekend a month! That's what they said when we joined the Guard. Two full tours later, I'm almost used to this hellhole. Everyone's got their problems. One guy can't take the heat, another the dust, the smell, the flies, the dogs howlin', the call to prayer. And I got you… readin' between the lines of your email, wonderin' why you can't be bothered writin' a letter. Nothin' over her makes any sense but you make even less. As soon as we're gone the sand will cover up everything - just like we'd never come. So, what the hell am I doin' here in the first place?

Sadr City
Gunner was crazy before he hit Baghdad - out of his head fixating on old movies. Nothing seemed to affect him - except Mookie. Swore Moqtada Al Sadr was a dead ringer for Orson Wells. Taped both their pictures over his bunk and stared at them for hours. Was sure Mookie was out to get him personally. Didn't help that he spent most of his tour in a Hummer cruising Sadr City - red-hot Mookie turf. Last time I saw him down in Walter Reade, wouldn't you know it, he was still staring at those two pictures on his wall.

Sunrise on Brooklyn
I should have said something, anything, not just let you walk away. Maybe it was just another kiss to you, nothing to write home about, but you did say you cared. Was it just because I was leaving the next day? Doing your duty - feeling sorry for another jarhead off to the sandpit? Then I remember the way you melted against me, lips open, tongues touching, with the Verazanno lit up like a string of pearls in the night. And then your friends shouted and you had to go, but I can still feel the print of your body… man, it's too quiet out there, muezzin should be praying and, oh shit, something just moved up on that minaret…

No Better Friend… No Worse Enemy
The US Marines have long been a first step up the ladder for poor and working class youth. They leave behind much blood in the sands of Iraq.

Ballad of Cindy Sheehan
The gutter press, the talking heads on TV, the DC chicken-hawks, they all did such a job on this woman that I was a bit leery meeting her. Was she really just another egomaniac looking for attention? But those planted fears faded away in the warmth of her smile and the firmness of her handshake. All I saw was an American mother trying to stop this madness before another women loses her son.

The Last One to Die
If there's one thing this war has given me, it's perspective. Not about over here. I'll never understand these people. Talk about two different worlds - more like universes. No, I mean back home. I know it's hard for people to have any idea what we're going through. But I know exactly what they're doing because I used to be just like them: watching TV, going to the mall, rooting for the Brewers - a great big ball of nothing! The country is as flabby as a politician's ass; we're lied to and led by those who keep us stupid to make money off us. Over here, bad as it is, we're lean and mean and rely on each other - not in some bullshit television way, but for real. When I go back I'm going to do something about it.

The Fighting 69th (on the road to the airport)
The 69th Infantry Regiment of the New York National Guard gained its reputation at Antietam and Fredericksburg. In 2004 the Fighting 69th was deployed to Iraq where it guarded the infamous Route Irish, linking the Green Zone to Baghdad International Airport, often called “the most dangerous piece of real estate in the world.” Nineteen members were killed in action, and seventy-eight seriously wounded.

Battle of Fallujah
If they'd let us finish it in April we wouldn't have had to go back again in November. By then Zarqawi had the joint booby-trapped and laid thick with IEDs, snipers hanging out of the goddamn moon. We plowed through that town, rubbling everything in our way; and when we reached the desert, we had to turn around and fight right back through again. Zarqawi knew we were coming and was history. Only the loonies stayed behind. Ever fight someone who wants to die and take you with them? That's what it was like. Still, we blew the hell out of them and everything else too. Now we got to pay Halliburton or some bunch of crooks to rebuild the whole thing. What a war!

Goddamn smoke grenades did it. One minute I'm running down an alley behind the Lieutenant; next I'm half blind, slippin' on broken glass and rollin' over assways. Now I'm pinned between a wall and a burnt out Toyota. The Lieutenant will come back for me but there's a Haji on the roof got my number. It's too quiet. Jesus! Just some mortars goin' off over by the river - far away, nearly as far away as you and your emails and cold kisses and how come you never write a real letter and is he still around and don't tell me you don't run into him and I know he wants you so bad that it's driving me out of my head and I can feel that Haji zeroin' in and…

Southside Chicago Waltz
He was just another Southside kid at the Gaelic Park Festival. I didn't pay him much heed, though his favorite song was American Wake rather than James Connolly or Funky Ceili. It didn't surprise me when he enlisted after 9/11 - all those kids wanted to do their part. Iraq changed him. That wasn't surprising either; most of them were quieter, more serious, bending over backwards to mask their feelings. What did surprise me is that he re-enlisted and went back. Said it made more sense over there. This one's for you, kid. See you Memorial Day…

The catchword of our times… The general disengagement in the country is staggering. Whatever one's politics, there is little doubt that this war was unnecessary. And yet it drags on, hemorrhaging the nation of blood, money and morality. A very small percentage are doing the fighting and dying for us. Are we so over-entertained, so under-informed that we can't see the forest for the splintered trees? Despite all the spinning and dissembling of the last five years, we're a bigger country than that, a greater people, ill served by flaccid words like whatever…

NEW YORK CITY, NY – Steadfast in its opposition to the war since before the invasion, Black 47 presents a dry-eyed view of life in combat on IRAQ its debut for new model indie, United For Opportunity (release date: March 4, 2008). The band hits the campaign trail in February performing across the U.S. and culminating with a St. Patrick's Day release party on their home turf, New York City, at BB Kings.

Recorded at Coney Island's Cyclone Sound in July 2007, IRAQ includes a batch of new songs along with several composed by Larry Kirwan over the course of the war. Inspiration for the characters and stories are very personal, many coming from the point-of-view of fans that served in Iraq and shared their experiences with the band.

Black 47 rarely plays to the converted and their shows have often seethed over the last five years. “Because of our background, we've always had as strong a fan base of right wing cops, firemen and conservatives, as of left wing students, radicals, and the working disaffected; neither side has been afraid to vent its views,” Kirwan dryly notes. “We also take pride in keeping in touch with our fans, many of whom traditionally join the Service as a way to fund their college education or mortgage. Add to that the many who enlisted in response to 9/11, and it's easy to see why we have had no shortage of information from those actually doing the fighting in Iraq.”

“Stars and Stripes” tells the story of two young men waiting for a chopper to rescue them from an ambush in Anbar Province, while “Downtown Baghdad Blues” has another serviceman wondering, “what the hell am I doing here in the first place?” “Sadr City,” is black-humored blues with the hero fearful that Moqtada Al Sadr's Mahdi Army has his number; and on “Ramadi,” a young man, despite his desperate situation, can't rid his mind that his girlfriend may be “cruisin' down Main Street hangin' with your old squeeze.”

The band employs an ever-broadening mélange of New York styles: rock, reggae, hip-hop, folk, Irish traditional, downtown noise and Jazz and have adopted a somewhat harder sound to reflect the nature of the war.

With a pedigree for controversy, Black 47 first raised its voice in protest to the political and economic systems in the North of Ireland in 1989. Led by Larry Kirwan (guitar/vocals), Black 47 is recognized as the premier Irish-American rock group who paved the way for the current Irish punk/roots explosion led by such bands as Flogging Molly and The Dropkick Murphys.

Black 47 begin the first leg of their U.S. tour February 1 through St. Patrick's Day. Additional tour dates to be announced.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Today, we mailed out the Thanksgiving cards we received for the troops. We sent out 449 Thanksgiving cards to troops scattered all over the place - Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Phillippines. Total postage costs were $39.25 for our Thanksgiving shipment. WAY TO GO, Y'ALL!

Just a VERY few days left of our Christmas/Holiday card drive - if you haven't sent in a card or twenty (LOL - every single bit helps!) NOW is definitely the time to do it - so go ahead and drop everything, sign some holiday cards, and get them in the mail *ASAP* -- if not sooner! :-)

Currently, our total stands at 6,200. We have several boxes that are in the process of being read and counted, so that is not our "final" figure by any means. Christmas and holiday cards should be sent to the following address:

If you need a physical address for overnight shipping, please contact me at and I will give it to you. :)

For more details and further information about Operation Love From Home, please check out our website at: .

Y'all totally ROCK! Thanks for ALL you do to REALLY support our troops!

Mama Kat Orr
Operation Love From Home
Post Office Box 1660
Loganville, GA 30052

Wreaths Across America event to honor veterans coming to our National Cemeteries on December 13, 2008

Wreaths Across America event to honor veterans coming to our National Cemeteries on December 13, 2008

Each year Wreaths Across America donates over 5000 wreaths to be placed on graves at Arlington National Cemetery. To date over 100,000 donated wreaths have been placed on gravesites during past holiday seasons.

This year the Marines, Gold Star Parents, Blue Star Parents, family members and friends of the 1/8 Marine Support Network have teamed up with Wreaths across America to find sponsorships for additional wreaths to be placed on gravesites in Arlington National Cemetery. Gold Star Parents of 1/8 Marine Sniper Kirk Bosselman have traveled from Maine to Arlington National in past years to place wreaths on gravesites.

1/8 Marines were involved in the November 2004 invasion of Fallujah. Bravo Company alone lost 13 Marines. Many more were seriously injured, some are still recovering from their injuries today. A reunion has been planned for these Marines in July of 2009, hosted at the home of 1/8 Gold Star Parents, Bob & Beth Houck. Some of these Marines, especially those more seriously injured, cannot afford to make this trip. Wreaths Across America will be donating a portion of the funds from wreath sponsorships that include the 1/8 Group ID number to defray the cost for these Marines.

To sponsor a wreath, please follow this link and include group ID number DCSPCC01 & Arlington National in the space provided, or mail the sponsorship form that I have included with this email.

Your help is appreciated in getting as many wreaths to Arlington National as possible, and helping Marines from 1/8 who cannot afford travel costs, to the reunion reunite with their Marine brothers.

You can see video of past wreath laying ceremonies here:
If you would like to make a donation that supports the travel expenses of the Marines without sponsoring a wreath, please contact me directly.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give to honor these heroes both past and present during the holidays.

National Wreath Project

National Wreath Project

On 5 December 2008 Volunteers will gather at the Gettysburg National Cemetery and place 400 Christmas Wreaths on the graves of our Veterans. This project is an extension of a program started 2 years ago by John and Susan McColley and the Sgt Mac Foundation. The McColleys are parents of Gettysburg native and United States Marine Corps Sergeant Eric McColley who was killed along with 7 other Marines and 2 Airmen in a helicopter accident in the Horn of Africa on 17 February 2006. Last year the Foundation placed 2,100 wreaths on graves at Quantico National Cemetery in Virginia were Eric is interred. This year we will do the same as well as expand the project to Gettysburg National Cemetery. With the financial assistance of local and other Veterans organizations, private and business support we are able to expand this program. We will meet at the GIANT FOOD STORE parking lot on Route 30/York Road in Gettysburg, PA at 0800 Friday December 5th, 2008 to tie the bows on the wreaths, after a lunch break we will travel to the Taneytown Road entrance to the Gettysburg National Cemetery and place 400 wreaths on graves at 1:00 PM. The following day, Saturday December 6, 2008 we will meet at Quantico National Cemetery at 0930 and place approximately 2,100 wreaths there. Your attendance and support is most welcome. We would like to expand the program every year but in order to do so, we need additional support financially and logistically. The cost of the wreaths this year is $ 7.00 each. With sufficient support, we would like to expand this project to be able to place a wreath on every headstone in the Cemetery. If you would like to participate in this project, please contact Stan Clark at 717-337-1728 or e-mail at

Please see attached photo of Eric’s Gravesite and decorated graves in Quantico National Cemetery.

Background information and photos at

Holiday Help

It's almost time for the holidays! We have some special ways for you to get involved.

Each year at Christmas, my family adopts a small unit of deployed Marines. Marine Corps Moms hosts Operation Santa USMC on a yearly basis. That is where we originally got involved and if you'd like to adopt your own unit, I'd be happy to send you the MCMom's information. However, this year we've chosen to adopt the unit we've all come to think of as "Bigfoot." We send a Christmas Tree, decorations, hats, candy and snacks, as well as a stocking for each individual stuffed with small presents and Christmas Cards from back home. This is where I need your help! I want to gather lots of Christmas cards for each individual. The following is a list of names and where they are from. There are 15 Marines and 4 civilian translators.

CPT Darryl Ayers
Chalmette, Louisiana

1LT Jake Cosme
Ranch Cucamonga, California

1LT Juan Cabrera
New York, New York

1LT Glenn Cruz-Cancel
New Britain, Connecticut

1LT Ryan Cooper
Jacksonville, Florida

SSgt Larry Voss
Glenn Burnie, Maryland

Sgt Cody Yates
Bowling Green, Ohio

Sgt Victor Fernandez
San Antonio, Texas

Sgt Jaime Luna
Dallas, Texas

Cpl Nicholas Baldwin
Laguna Nigel, California

Cpl Adam Berbric
Palmetto Bay, Florida

LCpl Shawn Kronebusch
Melbourne, Florida

LCpl Benjamin Killman
Carthage, Michigan

LCpl Kevin Marin
Las Vegas, Nevada

There are four Civilian Linguists and they provide invaluable support for these Marines. We want to make sure they are not left out. They are living under the same primitive conditions and are an integral part of Bigfoot.

Omed Sorani
Alexandria, Virginia

Mark Saheb
Montreal, Canada

Moe "Jimbo Gates" Salim
St. Louis, Missouri

Moe Al-Talibi
Montreal, Canada

I am asking for Christmas cards. However, if you would like to donate stockings, a tree, anything, please let me know and you can either ship to me or directly to them. **I need to know what you are sending so that I don't go buy double. Please let me know as soon as possible. My goal is to ship everything by December 8, which gives us exactly three weeks.** Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated! As for the cards, I would like to put them in their stockings. Please do not seal them; just tuck the envelopes closed, and mail them to me in a larger envelope.

Please e-mail me back and let me know what you are sending and I will respond with the appropriate addresses. If you are mailing to me, I will send you my address or if you are sending something such as a Christmas tree directly to them, I will send you theirs. Theirs is also located in the most recent update list that was sent out.

I'm attaching a copy of the October issue (to date, the most recent) of the Bigfoot Gazette.

Lastly, here is a list from 1LT Cosme.

As far as specifics go, I went around to see the junior Marines and asked what would help make the deployment smoother. Hopefully we're not being too needy, but the key morale boosters are MWR type items.

-XBOX 360 Games, (Guitar Hero if you can, this was listed several times, go figure?)
-Actual guitars for the Marines to play when they're not on patrol
-Printers (for their computers)
-Place mats
-Knife set (any real knives to be exact... using plastic for everything grows tiresome)
-Table covers (all our tables we built with left over wood, so anything we can throw on and wipe off easy would be great).
-Carpets, rugs, towels
-Blankets (for the upcoming winter, it gets cold out here on the Western Desert)
-Socks (any kind)
-extension cords
-Any and all snacks you can think of

Please let me know how you can help! I'll send out updates as I get information.

Semper Fi,
Holly Wheat
Help 4th Recon-Founder and Project Coordinator
eMail Our Military (eMOM)-Community Relations Leader
-- Support Our Troops!
Help 4th Reconwww.help4threcon.comNow Proudly Partnering with eMail Our Military (eMOM)

1/8 Marine Reunion 2009!!!!! --- this link will take you to a website in progress. Mary Forester has been working very hard on the website itself and is spearheading our fundraising efforts for the 2009 reunion. When you get to the website please click on "Our Troops Are Worth A Million" to learn more about a way that you can raise funds to help us help our Marines and Sailors attend the 1/8 Bravo reunion. Thank you to Jeff Graham for the suggestion and to Beth Houck for taking the ball and running with it. Let me know if you have questions about "Our Troops Are Worth a Million" and I will send your questions on to Beth.

The Wreaths Across America fundraiser is explained below (press release format that you can edit to reflect the name and hometown of your own 1/8 Bravo Marine/Sailor) and it is also explained on the marine2009reunion website. If you wish to sponsor a wreath(s) you must complete your sponsorship order SOON. The sponsorship form specific to our fundraising efforts is attached.

We have another fundraiser on the horizon so watch for more about that. 1/8 families I will be calling you this week about this fundraiser. Feel free to call me at 231-271-3620 if you do not hear from me soon.

Please please share the website link and our fundraising info with all of your friends and family!

I will be adding photos to the reunion website over the course of the next week. Guys, if you would like to add a photo to the reunion website please email it to me and we'll see what we can do. I am slowly calling all of the 1/8 Bravo Marines I can find to go over details about the reunion, and also to review some other topics you will want to know about. If I have not called you as of yet please feel free to call me at 231-271-3620.

Wreaths Across America event to honor veterans coming to our National Cemeteries on December 13, 2008

Many volunteers across the nation will conduct the WAA ceremony this year at National Cemeteries on Saturday December 13, 2008 . Ceremonial wreaths will be placed to remember those who served, honor their sacrifices, and teach our younger generations about the high price of our freedom. Specially made wreaths for Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and POW/MIA will be placed on memorials during a unique ceremony that will be coordinated simultaneously at over 350 participating locations all across the Country and around the World.

December 13 will mark the 17th anniversary of wreaths from the state of Maine being donated to decorate the graves at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA, and the third year of a national campaign under the guidance of the not-for-profit that will bring the same remembrance wreaths to National and State Veterans cemeteries, monuments, and community centers all across the Nation.

All of these specially made wreaths are donated by Worcester Wreath Company in Harrington, Maine. The full story can be seen and heard online by visiting the website listed below.
In addition to these ceremonial wreaths, a number of civic groups around the Country have joined with Wreaths Across America to promote sponsored wreaths that also will be placed on veterans graves in designated sections of participating cemeteries. Each year the sections are rotated to include all veterans. In 2008 it is projected that over 100,000 wreaths will be placed in the Wreaths Across America mission to Remember; Honor; and Teach.

Traverse City West graduate, Sam Williams, was deployed with 1st Battalion 8th Marines in 2003 and 2004. Sgt Williams' battalion suffered 21 casualties during the 2004 deployment, 17 of those casualties ocurred in the city of Fallujah during the month of November 2004. The unit also suffered numerous wounded.

July 4th 2009. A reunion to be held in North Carolina is planned for the surviving members of the 1/8 Marines. By sponsoring a wreath, you will also help sponsor one of the surviving Marines join the reunion who may not otherwise be able to attend..
Sponsors can donate online at and insert the Group ID number DCSPCC01 to sponosor a wreath and support bringing the 1/8 Marines together. Our sponsored cemetery is Arlington National.

For immediate Release:
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about supporting the Marines of 1/8 please contact...
Karen Fredrickson
Marine Support Network, LLC

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Need some help if possible..

Hi Josh

Every year my biggest "mission" is Merry Christmas Marines" This year I am TRYING to fill 1500 stockings for 3\8 and 5th Mar. With my other endeavor working with the Generals and HQUSMC on their transition team with the new family Readiness Program I talk to many CO's XO with various units. I chose 3\8 this year because I knew they were going to be arriving in Afghanistan just before the holidays.

Neal Boortz in Atlanta is a syndicated radio show host, similar to Sean Hannity.. Every year he jumps on board with my " Merry Christmas Marines" mission. he has my link on the front page of his we site this is his 3rd year helping me with this effort. Money is BAD! Normally I would have a total of over 70,000-80,000 by now. I have alittle over 13,000! I have companies that sell me their products at a huge discount or wholesale. I was going to have the stoking stuffing day on Nov 22nd. I had to push it back to Dec. 7th, I have very little.... I am praying I can make this happen this year, I cant let our Marines down.

I know how bad the economy is first hand, between you and I, my husband lost his job back in late Jan. WE have pursued every avenue possible he still can not find work after sending our hundreds of his resume. I as you know am medically disabled since 2004, we used his 401K to live on the last several months hoping to buy us time, Well this month we are not paying our mortgage. I have called them, my senators, congresswoman etc.. several times. no hope for us due to the huge cut in income.. So after 30 yrs we are facing foreclosure in a few months. I need all the help you can get to my organization

I take NO income form my non-profit! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did.. 95% goes directly to Marines or their families in various ways. Last year I raised 240,000!
Please let me know if you have any contacts that may want to help with this effort.. I do all the stockings with identical items..

Look forward to your response.. A little help can go a long way.

Patty Lewis

God Bless all our Marines, Sailors and " Special Angels"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sat-Sun November 15-16: ASSEMBLING (Official kick-off for Media)
Sat November 22: PREP
Fri-Sat November 28-29: ASSEMBLING (Thanksgiving weekend)
**December 6 Prep Day CANCELED
Sat-Sun December 13-14: ASSEMBLING (400,000th package celebration)
Assembly weekend shifts:
9am-12 Noon1pm-4pm
Mandatory Lunch Break from 12-1
If you would like to volunteer in person for the Patriotic and/or Holiday Drives at the Armory, please email Penny, our Volunteer Coordinator, at: no earlier than two months prior to the first weekend. Write "Operation Gratitude" in the subject line.
For address and additional details, please email or .

Wednesday, November 5, 2008







I heard some idiot on the radio say she voted for Obama because he will pay her mortgage, put gas in her car and food on her table. I couldn't believe the crap I heard coming out of this woman's mouth.

After Obama takes office ..... within a few days the troops will be home from Iraq and Afghanistan. According to another idiot I heard on the radio & than I saw him saying the same thing on TV. Obama is going to bring the troops home. So instead of taking the fight to the enemy.... the enemy will bring the fight to us.

9/11 ..... 3,000 dead .... get ready for more building coming down, more body bags in the street. A new war is about to start ...... are you ready ?

My brother and I will start processing the paper work to shut down the family business WRIGHT MAPPING INC. Wright Mappings doors opened in 2002, now they will be closed until 2012. Last year we made more than 250K ! I don't feel breaking my neck busting my ass making money I earned, so Obama can give it away to people who are to lazy & stupid to pay their own bills. Spread the wealth ! Fuck That !

Anyone want to take bets on how long Obama will be in office, before the CIA has him killed ?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Barrack Obama has become the new President of the United States of America ...... I only have one thing to say
My brother & I will start processing the paper work to shut down Wright Mapping Inc. I'm not giving away money I work hard for. FUCK THAT !

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barack Obama citizenship

Is he ineligible to be the President of the united states of America because he is not a US citizen ?

Gary DeRemer

make sure to vote on Nov 4th.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

DIRECTIONS to November 1, 2008 Grand Opening

In just another week we will be celebrating our grand opening. I want to share with you some background on our speakers and guests and provide directions and other information to keep you abreast.

The directions to:

Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center
145 E. Fig Street,
Fallbrook, CA 92028

Can be seen by clicking here.

To share the invitation with others click here.

No organization is complete without establishing clear direction. Click here to learn ours.

Every journey we take needs a compass or a road map. Click here to view the road map we are presenting to all learners.

On November 1, 2008 we will enjoy meeting new communities and learn more of who they are. In my own travels I have met with many and I reached out to them to join us and to speak at our event. I would like to share how I know all of our speakers.

The local Boy Scouts Troop #755 leader is Mike Zatlin and we have yet to meet, but through our volunteer Bonnie, we connected and welcome his support. I look forward to meeting Mike. I connected with Pastor Jerry Rillings as a result of connecting with Bonnie and the Pastor and I met soon after.

I learned the Pastor is also a veteran and we are honored to have him bless our grand opening.

We are honored to have County Supervisor Bill Horn personally present his Proclamation to SWVBRC. We have never met, but I have met his Communication Director, John Culea at various events I attended. If you haven't visited Supervisor Horn's website, please do. You will be impressed by his service to the County and his commitment to communities.

Our Refuse to Fail theme is highlighted with a very special civilian, the CBS Survivor contestant, Gillian Larson I connected with Gillian many years ago, but until recently I met her at her premier viewing of the TV series Survivor. She has an amazing journey to share with us and emulates the essence of Refuse to Fail. Do click here to learn more about her journey.

When I attended the American Legion National Convention last year at Reno, NV, I had the honor of meeting Coreena Conley, Program Director of Veteran Business Outreach Center Sacramento, CA. Coreena is a civilian and never served with the military, but she demonstrates the energy of so many and has touched the lives of many veterans. It is the commitment of civilians like Coreena that has inspired me to do what I do. I was influenced by her on how best to create this organization. Thank you, Coreena.

Our very first Veteran is Sam Luna-Sanchez, a Fallbrook Resident. Sam responded to The Village News article and we met. We have stepped through the first hour of our orientation and on the 1st, Sam will share his intent to Refuse to Fail and sign the Learners Articles of Agreement. We are honored to serve this Veteran and begin a service that many more Veterans will enjoy.

Our other Veteran Speaker, Bob Mulz, Chairman, ELITE SDVOB, is someone I met this year at the National Veterans Convention in Las Vegas, NV. His organization is a network of Veteran business owners and it gives me honor to have Bob share all that they are doing for Veteran business owners.

During February, 2007, the House Chairman of Veterans Affairs, Congressman Bob Filner gave a challenge to all congressmen to meet with at least 200 veterans. I called his office to meet with him. On February 23, 2007, at 4:40pm, I had the honor of meeting Congressman Bob Filner. I remember our discussion well, with his first words being "what's the problem". That resonated well with me. I welcome the Honorable Congressman to dedicate this center and open our doors to all.

The dedication of the Center will be to Guest of Honor LCdr Carol A. Grice, NC USN Retired. I have known Carol for some time and her lineage is amazing. Bonnie Zepada, someone I haven't met yet, nor does she know Carol, has done so much in connecting us with so many others. Bonnie is going to be part of our dedication and I can't wait to meet her.

If you haven't figured it out yet, my own network stems across all 50 states and several countries. Someday I will meet everyone I know from a distance. The communities joining us on the 1st are from across the state and together we will celebrate our grand opening. I am hoping Linda Sanders joins us from Whittier CA.

You will be amazed at what she and her group have done to get the center ready. You can still contact Frances Lowe – email: or call 760 468-1315 to share your thoughts or pass this on to others to be part of what we do. Whether you are near or far, we are all connected with a click or two.

I am anxious and excited to open our doors and with your presence near or far, together we will eradicate the notion that any Veteran can become homeless. Many Blessings, Al

"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire…..
give us the tools and we will finish the job!"
-Sir Winston Churchill
Albert R. Renteria
Founder and CEO
Chief Warrant Officer-4, USMC Retired
Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center
Where Communities Serve Veterans™
Service Never Ends for a Marine!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Care Packages for Your Marines

Another way to get support for your Marine.
If you are the family member or friend of a combat deployed Marine, you can request a package to be sent to your Marine. There is no charge; this is a FREE service for Marines and their families. Packages are shipped five times each year: early January, mid-March, early June, mid-August and late October.
To request a care package for your Marine, go to
This is a service from

Howard Stern on Obama

You have got to listen to this, it’s unbelievable!
This is a sound byte (Quicktime) from the Howard Stern
show. His man on the street went up to Harlem to
ascertain if African Americans up there were voting for Obama
for his policy or his race. What the guy does is ask who
they are voting for and then when they say Obama, he asks about
policy. However, the guy changes out Obama's policies
for McCain's policies. See what they have to say about
Obama's running mate!

Monday, October 20, 2008



Today I heard a GySgt say " Fuck John McCain ! Just because he was a POW that shouldn't automatically give him the right or qualify him to be president of the United States. "

The sad thing is the GySgt is a recuiter for the Marines here a post by my house in Downey. I was just at a lost for words .... I sat there is shock trying to take in what he was saying.

Than he called me a racist because I was just making a joke .... I said " You know is Obama wins .... some one is going to kill'em ! " He said " That's just good old boy backwards white trash KKK thinking. "

I was just shocked, a little amazed and to be honest pissed off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Email Our Military :)

Take a look at the latest campaign we’ve launched to support our troops this holiday season:

Contact Us:

eMail Our Military ~
8004 NW 154 Street, Suite 344
Miami Lakes , FL 33016

The American Cancer Society-- Relay U & Mini Relay Reminder

Hello Everyone,We're getting in gear for the spring Relay for life!!! If I haven't told you yet, my sister Kathy is the committee chairperson for the city of Cerritos. Not only am I proud of her years of dedication to the cause, but that she is educating the community and honoring the memory and strength of so many of our friends and family that are living with or have lost their battle to cancer.

Please support the American Cancer Society by attending any of events (see attachment) and our BIG Relay for Life in Cerritos this spring. You are welcome to contact Kathy Lira @

Thank You!

Warm Regards,


Relay U October

18, 2008 9am-4pm

Downey Adult School

12340 Woodruff

Downey, CA 90241

Register at:

Avalon at Cerritos Mini Relay
October 23, 2008
6pm - 8:30pm
Avalon of Cerritos 11000 New Falcon Way
Cerritos, CA 90703

Come support our First Mini Realy. Survivors please join us in walking the first lap.
If you are able to help please contact Kathy Lira at of
(562) 653-8840.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy 233rd Birthday Marines!

Our next scheduled packing date for The Care Package Project™ is November 1, 2008.

We've got a great linup planned with the Marine Corps Birthday boxes to ship to our Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan this year, and we need your help with two things.

First of all, we need a "Happy Birthday" card for every box that we ship. That's 1000 cards we need from YOU, our Marine Corps families. We must receive them in our office by October 28 to be included in the care packages we'll ship on November 1. Please allow plenty of time for the cards to arrive to us at the following address:, Inc.
Attn: Happy Birthday Marine
PO Box 1115
Columbia, MO

The cards should be addressed to "Dear Marine" and include a personal, handwritten sentiment. If you will be sending several cards, you may put them in one large envelope to mail to us. Please do not seal the individual envelopes.

To order unique Marine Corps birthday cards from our Cafe Press online store, visit All proceeds go back to, Inc.

Secondly, we need to raise $6000 to purchase content for the "Birthday Boxes". We will be including an olive green t-shirt, a Hormel Turkey Dinner (for Thanksgiving), and a birthday cake kit for each box. The cost will be approximately $6 per box. This cost is in addition to the funds we've already raised for shipping costs of $9850. Please help us meet our $6000 goal by November 1 for the Marine Corps Birthday Boxes!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Marines B-Day

Marines B-Day
Sat. November 8, 2008
5:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Great Hall

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pimpin' Freedom Ain't Easy!


The debates are funny ........ for a few reasons mostly because the candidates are full of crap. The candidates do 1 - 2 things .... the say 10% of what the voters they are trying to get want to hear. They say another 10% of what they think YOU really want to hear, so the can secure your vote. Than they say another 10% of whatever is they want to say, to make them self sound like they know what is the right things to say. They'll stumble around for answers to question people emailed in or are asking in the audience. The best part of the whole night is they will spend 50%-60% of the night trading jabs with each other.

It really doesn't matter who wins ..... for one small reason, in 4 years neither one McCain or Obama are going to be able to change much of anything. They may level the field or they could make things worse ..... nor worse than things are already, but who knows.

The best thing of the debate last night was something Obama said. He spoke about AIG, how the federal government gave them $ 86 Billion to bail out their company. What did AIG's CEO's do right after they got bailout ? They went to Dana Point spent over $444,000.00. Obama said " AIG should have to pay back the federal government the money $ 86 Billion and they CEO's should be fired ! " I about fell off the cough laughing ....... You know as well as I know that is not going to happen, so why making a stupid comment like that.

The Lawmakers for House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform can in invest agate who ever they like. All they are doing is just spending money of the tax payers money searching for answers they already know. It's not like they are really going to do anything to these companies ...... If they stepped in & took control of the companies, took control of their money & kicked the old CEO's out.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Operation Love From Home: NEED 50,000 SIGNED HOLIDAY CARDS FOR TROOPS!

OK folks, here we go again, collecting Christmas/Holiday cards for our deployed Heroes!!! This year the goal is the biggest ever: we would like to get at least 50,000 holiday cards to our Heroes in harm's way! We can't accomplish this awesome goal without YOU! Please forward this info on to others you think would be interested in this project, and if you have a blog, please consider posting about it. This is a team effort...together, we can make a real difference to our troops who are missing home during the holidays! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We have a printable flyer we are happy to send you (can also be downloaded from our Yahoo! group), as well as a letter that you can send to local schools/organizations to seek their support. Just drop us a line and we'll be happy to send those items to you. Thank you for your support of our heroes! Info re: Love From Home 2008 is below! Most sincerely, "Mama Kat" Orr, President, Operation Love From Home.

The Mission: To collect at least 50,000 Christmas/Holiday cards for troops stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the world.

The Reason: Being away from home and living in harsh conditions with combat & constant danger is difficult ~ our troops need to know we have not forgotten them!!! Mail from home helps to keep our troops' morale strong, making a very real difference in their lives. It keeps them motivated and focused when they know we care about them!

The Address: Send your signed, unsealed thank-you cards to the following address:

Mrs. Kathy Orr

P.O. Box 1660
Loganville, Georgia, 30052


The Guidelines:
The cards can be handmade or store-bought. This is a great opportunity to get your Scout troop, school, church and other civic organizations involved in doing something to show support for our troops.
Please do not write the date on your cards
Please, no glitter on the cards. Because of the intended destinations of the cards, nothing "shiny" should be sent for safety & security reasons.

*IMPORTANT: This is not a "dating service." Please do not send suggestive or otherwise inappropriate cards or materials. Please also refrain from making political statements of any nature. We will be reading and screening every card received to ensure that the above guidelines are adhered to. Remember: This is strictly to let the troops know that we love them, we are proud of them and that we HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN them! If you have any questions, please contact us at or

Check out our website: for more info!======================Send a deployed soldiers some Love from home!
Be a Hero's Hero! Adopt a deployed servicemember today!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We Deserve It Dividend

Hi Pals,

I'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.

Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a W D I D.
( We Deserve It Dividend. )

To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.

Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child.So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..

So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion that equals $425,000.00.

My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free.

So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.

Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.

That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.

But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.

A husband and wife team has $595,000.00.

What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.

Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads Put away money for college - it'll be there Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.

Buy a new car - create jobs Invest in the market - capital drives growth Pay for your parent's medical insurance - health care improves Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And, of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 ("vote buy") economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.

If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!

As for AIG - liquidate it.

Sell off its parts.

Let American General go back to being American General.

Sell off the real estate.

Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.

Here's my rationale We deserve it and AIG doesn't.

Sure it's a crazy idea that can "never work."

But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!

How do you spell Economic Boom?

I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion We Deserve It Dividend more than do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC.
And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Kindest personal regards, Birk

T. J. Birkenmeier, A Creative Guy & Citizen of the Republic

PS: Feel free to pass this along to your pals as it's either good for a laugh or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 Billion!!

National Debt

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Afghanistan-The forgotten war

A correspondent reports from Afghanistan's southern Helmand Province, where he was embedded for nearly three weeks in May and June with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit. They are among 60,000 foreign troops on the ground in Afghanistan—more than half of them American.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Saddleback Church forum on video

In case you ever get to a computer where you can turn up the volume and listen to this
Saddleback Church forum with Obama & McCain

Monday, September 22, 2008

A very important message from a 1/8 Marine

I received this email and links from Mike Ergo, a 1/8 Alpha Marine, and now a student at Cal-Berkeley. Mike asked me to edit his words but honestly I think that they are just right! I hope you will click on both of the links at the bottom of this email. The first link will take you to a television news broadcast -- an interview with Mike. The second link will take you to a MySpace page that will tell you a bit more about Vets4Vets.

In Mike's own words ---

Once again I have found myself unworthy to speak on behalf of the warriors of the 1/8 Marines. If this helps anyone, share it. If not, don't make me look like a glory hound. I 'm definitely not. I am only trying to honor the memories of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, as an unworthy Marine could only try. I never am happy being in the spotlight, but at least I was able to promote the book by Gary Livingston, " Fallujah, With Honor."

As a member of Alpha Company, 1/8, I don't try to pretend I saw what Bravo company did, but we did support them in their darkest day, clearing houses at night. Hopefully their sacrifice ( and those of Alpha Company) will be honored by my speaking to the media.

Semper Fi,

Mike Ergo

Here is the link:

Vets 4 Vets Bay Are

Friday, September 19, 2008

PTSD ~ by Gary Jacobson

War is a defiant affront to sensibilities born in gentility

to boys raised to respect and love the good life.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,

known simply as ptsd by its sufferers,

is an insidious residual of war

buried deep in the hearts and minds of those that survive it...

impacting their forever!

Hopefully this poem will give an understanding to the Hell

many veterans cope with in their daily lives...


CIVIL ENGINEERING {land surveyors} ~ BLAH

It runs in our blood, dad side of the family that is. My great grandfather worked on the Panama Canal, until he got malaria a couple of times. My grandpa was in the 1st Sea Bee's battalion ever formed in WW II, than later he started and ran his own company until he died. My uncle Robert was in the same Sea Bee’s battalion as my grandpa for 20 years, he served in Nam. My uncle Howard has is own civil engineering company that he runs out of his house.

My dad & brother started their own civil engineering company as well. We run it out of our house. My dad & brother share the field work. My brother & I do the mapping on the computers, attending city meet's we all kind of share.

The more I do this ... the more I work on the maps, attend the meetings and try to explain to the clients why their projects isn't moving as fast as they would. The I realize one thing..... I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT ! I would rather be deployed to Iraq fighting the insurgents one square block at a time or in Afghanistan dropping bombs on the Taliban. When you’re in the military there is always something different you can be doing.... each day maybe bring something new.

When your drawing up grading plans, erosion control plans, profiles, typing out construction notes.... it is always the same fucking thing. Take this line out, add a line here, extend that line here, place more sand bags here, change these construction to this code, make sure your cross section are every 2ft- 50ft ..... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH .... The list goes on. It's just so fucking boring ...... by the end of the day my eyes hurt from looking at the computer. I feel like a zombie by the end of the day ..... I don't want to do anything but close my eyes and go to bed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008



All these big companies filling Chapter 11 like AIG (American International Group Inc), Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns Cos ....the list seems to grow almost every day. It's greedy poor ethical miss management that got these companies into trouble. It's more GREED than anything! These companies over the past 10 - 15 years hand billions of dollars, their CEO's found ever tax loop whole possible to hind their money.

Instead of the Federal Government helping to bail them out of the trouble they have gotten into. The Federal Government should make the CEO's who have been in charge over the past 10 - 15 years, use their own personal money they have made to bail their own companies out. Than if they do not have enough money...... than the Federal Government would step in and help.

Why are the tax payers getting stuck with the bill! The CEO's are the ones that fucked up with their greedy poor ethical miss management. I always laugh at people who wave their college dreegers in my face. Mainly because they think they are so smart and have all this right answers. The CEO's of all this companies that are failing right now. They all went to college and look how bad they have fucked things up.

The sad thing is ....... about every ten years this country hits a slump. Sometimes it doesn't last long and other times it does. The fun and good times went on for 15 years. Now that the music has been turn off and all the cake has been eaten. Everyone is crying because their is no more free liquor to drink.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Marine Attitudes

Attitude is Everything
Joseph Kinney July 24, 2008
Thirty-nine years ago I was shot in an ambush while a Marine on a nightpatrol in Vietnam . I had potentially fatal wounds to my chest and aserious wound to my right leg. To put matters bluntly, I had never beenmore terrified in my life. Would I die? And if I died, would I go toheaven? I also thought about the buddies I was leaving behind. Somehow, I wanted to believe that they would be better off without me to slow themdown.
The next morning I woke up at a hospital in Da Nang . The doctors told methat my days as a fighting Marine were over. Somehow, I felt that I hadmore to give but wouldn't get the chance.
My history is relevant only because there are huge differences betweenthen and now when it comes to our Wounded Warriors. For the past couple ofyears I have had the privilege of knowing Col. Jack Cox ( USA , ret.) who isa stalwart in the Wounded Warrior Program at Fort Bragg. He has been agreat friend and mentor, and has taken the time to introduce me to some ofthis generation's wounded.
There are at least two important differences between my generation and theyoung men I have seen at Fort Bragg 's Womack Hospital which is near whereI live.
For openers, the Army acts as if the wounded person is going to remainforever a soldier. That is their basic operating assumption movingforward.
Second, the attitude of these kids is amazing. These brave warriors, nomatter how badly wounded they are, believe that they will soon be backwith their units fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Today, there are 17 Marines who are amputees fighting in Iraq . I amcertain that there are as many soldiers doing the same for the Army.
Recently, I received a widely distributed email from Col (Dr.) BrettWyrick. He was a trauma surgeon at Balad Air Base in Iraq .
He wrote: "If I ever hear (anyone) griping and complaining, I jump intothem pretty quickly, now. Most people over here have nothing to gripeabout compared to Marines. Marines are different. They have a differentoutlook on life . .
"One Marine Private was here for several days because he was a lowerpriority evacuation patient. He insisted on coming to attention anddisplaying proper military courtesy every morning when I came through on rounds. He was in a great deal of pain, and it was a stressful to watchhim work his way off the bed and onto his crutches. I told him he wasexcused and did not have to come to attention while he was a patient, andhe informed me he was a good Marine and would address '. . . Air Forcecolonels standing on my feet, sir.' I had to turn away so he would not seethe tear in my eye. He did not have 'feet' because we amputated his rightleg below the knee on the first night he came in.
"I asked a Marine Lance Corporal if there was anything I could get him asI was making rounds one morning. He was an above the knee amputation afteran IED blast, and he surprised me when he asked for a trigonometry book.'You enjoy math do you?' He replied, 'Not particularly, sir. I was nevergood at it, but I need to get good at it, now.' 'Are you planning on goingback to school?' I asked. 'No sir, I am planning on shooting artillery. Iwill slow an infantry platoon down with just one good leg, but I am goingto get good at math and learn how to shoot artillery.' I hope he does.
"I had the sad duty of standing over a young Marine sergeant when herecovered from anesthesia. Despite our best efforts there was just no wayto save his left arm, and it had to come off just below the elbow. 'Can Ihave my arm back, sir?' he asked. 'No, we had to cut it off, we cannotre-attach it,' I said. 'But can I have my arm?' he asked again. 'You see,we had to cut it off.' He interrupted, 'I know you had to cut it off, butI want it back. It must be in a bag or something, sir.' 'Why do you want it?'I asked. 'I am going to have it stuffed and use it as a club when I getback to my unit.' I must have looked shocked because he tried to comfortme, 'Don't you worry now, colonel. You did a fine job, and I hardly hurtat all; besides I write with my other hand anyway.'
Now, please tell me that these young guys aren't the Greatest Generationthat has ever lived.

Friday, September 12, 2008

GOOD 9/11 videos

I have to be honest, I set a very high standard tonight with my guests. Or better yet, my guests set a pretty high standard tonight. The 9-11 Memorial Show was a resounding success and if you missed it, you missed a lot of history and chance of a lifetime interviews with real life heroes from many generations.

Watch this to its conclusion. It is pretty powerful. It brought tears to my eyes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008